Drew Brees, after making the latest nationwide push for racial equality about him, responded as you would expect a celebrity in our current age who had just inserted foot into mouth to respond.
Credit to Brees for seeking out top-notch PR help, and to those folks for a job well done.
Seriously, dude went from MAGA to woke in 24 hours.
You don’t have to be a full-out cynic to think that the walk-back isn’t about some epiphany that suddenly and magically came to him after he tried to turn the fight for racial justice into something that somehow disrespects his grandfathers who fought in World War 2.
All of our grandfathers fought in World War 2, of course, and not all of us view the actions of former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who lost his job after deciding to take a knee during the national anthem before games in the 2016 season, the same way.
It was a question about Kaepernick that sent Brees down this particular rabbit hole.
Some, like Brees, chose then, choose now, to view Kaepernick taking a knee, people flocking to the streets, to raise attention to racial inequality, as being disrespectful.
Others understand that the point of protest, at its essence, is to make people uncomfortable.
People who tune into a football game just want to watch a football game, right? Seeing the QB1 take a knee during the anthem is supposed to get you out of that comfort zone, for even just a moment.
Same as seeing people gather at city hall, your state capital, Capitol Hill, the White House, to speak truth to power, night after night, is an effort to get you to buy into the idea that there needs to be change.
You want to believe that Brees, in the blowback from having reduced the latest push for racial equality to something about him, actually gets it now.
Story by Chris Graham