After a year-long study of the Crozet community, fifth-grade students from Brownsville Elementary will unveil a community mural on the side wall of Parkway Pharmacy in Downtown Crozet.
Inspired by Phil James’s book, Secrets of the Blue Ridge, students learned of the rich history of Crozet, and more specifically, about the communities old and new that surround Brownsville Elementary.
“Learning about the history of our community has had a profound impact on student relationships, which has created a more positive learning environment. The realization that our school community’s strength comes from students whose families have been in Crozet for generations and those who have moved into the area within the last 10 years has dramatically changed students’ attitudes towards each other,” said teacher Susan Greenwood.
The project has culminated into a beautiful mural created by Greenwood’s class and local artist Sam Gray that will be unveiled on June 1 at noon.
Early support and guidance from Charlottesville Mural Project, a project of The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative, and grant support from Red Light Management helped make this project a reality.
The Charlottesville Mural Project enjoys ongoing support from The FUNd at CACF, Tom Tom Festival, Piedmont Paint & Finish, and Legacy Video Service, and Blue Ridge Builder Supply.