Seven Bridgewater College students were presented awards from the department of health and human sciences.
Rachel M. Zarin, a senior health and exercise science and applied physics double major, received the Excellence in Academics award, which is presented to the student who demonstrates academic excellence and engages in the learning process in the classroom and beyond.
Zarin, the daughter of Ron and Debbie Zarin of Alloway, N.J., is a member of the Philomathes Society, Bridgewater’s scholastic honor society; Alpha Chi, a national scholastic honor society; and Sigma Pi Sigma, a national physics honor society. She is a member of the college’s Flory Honors Program. She is a member of the Physics Club and the Pre-med Society.
She completed an honors research project, “Improving 3D-Printed Prosthetics,” with Dr. Jason Ybarra, assistant professor of physics.
Following graduation on May 2, Zarin will pursue a master’s in bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
Clara R. O’Connor, a senior family and consumer sciences major on the human development and family studies track and a concentration in child development and family life education, was presented the Excellence in Leadership and Service award for demonstrating excellence in leadership, character and service.
During the 2019 fall semester, O’Connor, the daughter of P.J. and Jodi O’Connor of Mount Airy, Md., completed an internship with the Central Shenandoah Valley Office on Youth in Waynesboro, Va. She has served all four years as a student assistant for the department of health and human sciences. For the past three years, she has served as co-president of the Family and Consumer Sciences Student Unit. She has volunteered at the Bridgewater Retirement Community and did mission work in the Dominican Republic with Aletheia Church in Harrisonburg, Va.
Following graduation on May 2, O’Connor will begin a full-time position as retreat manager with Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center in Sharpsburg, Md. She spent the past three summers at the camp as a counselor through Bridgewater College’s Summer Christian Experience Scholarship program.
Calen E. Sparks, a senior family and consumer sciences major, received the Rugby H. St. John Endowed Scholarship in Family and Consumer Sciences. The award, valued at $2,731, is presented to a student seeking a degree in family and consumer sciences with preference given to those seeking certification in secondary education. The award is based on scholarship, leadership and character.
Major of the Year awards were presented in the following fields of study: Calista A. Ariel the award in health and exercise science, Melanie A. Hux in athletic training, Jarrod C. Denham in nutritional science, Danielle M. Werner in health and physical education and O’Connor in family and consumer sciences.
Major of the Year awards are presented to students who exhibit strong academic skills and substantial career-related experiences, as well as for being positive role models.
Ariel, a senior, is the daughter of Kristen and Donald Ariel of Mineral, Va.; Hux, a senior, is the daughter of David and Teresa Hux of Poquoson, Va.; Denham, a senior, is the son of Ken and Brenda Denham of Alexandria, Va.; and Werner, a senior, is the daughter of Larry and Teresa Werner of McGaheysville, Va.
Bridgewater College is a private, four-year liberal arts college located in the Central Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Founded in 1880, it was the state’s first private, coeducational college. Today, Bridgewater College is home to nearly 1,800 undergraduate students.