Justin Bieber desperately wants to convince the world that The Biebs can play basketball. You can tell how desperate when you watch this video.
OK, so, great. He can make a jumper. With an elongated, molasses-slow, cross-body release, and a chest-high release point that would be hard to get over the outstretched hands of your average eighth-grader.
But, yeah, he can knock them down.
I mean, he nailed about 10 or so over the course of the two hours that this video obviously spanned.
And he has some serious ups, too, we have to acknowledge, from the grand finale to the vid, which has him throwing down, er, um, no, so, you don’t actually throw down a between-the-legs layup, but whatever.
Seriously, a between-the-legs layup?
The guy is 12, actually putting a video of himself with a between-the-legs layup online.
Bieber’s hoops skills are to basketball what his music is to music.