The June primary elections have been extended to Tuesday, June 23. Voters may participate in either the Republican or Democratic primary, but not both.
If you would like to vote in the upcoming primary, the Albemarle County Electoral Board and Department of Voter Registration strongly recommends voting absentee by mail to minimize risk of infection and to adhere to CDC guidelines of social distancing.
The Virginia Department of Elections will permit all voters to vote absentee for the June primary elections regardless of circumstance. In order to get an absentee ballot, voters will need to submit an absentee ballot application form. Use “my disability or illness” as the absentee reason.
Applications for absentee ballots are being accepted now. Voters are strongly encouraged to apply sooner rather than later for an absentee ballot to be sure your ballot is submitted by June 23rd, 2020.
If you have a Virginia driver’s license, you can complete that form online.
If you do not have a Virginia driver’s license, contact the Albemarle County Voter Registration Department.
- Phone: 434-972-4173
- Email: [email protected]
- Mail:
PMB 160
435 Merchant Walk Sq., Suite 300
Charlottesville, VA 22911