Home Winners/Losers: Chris Christie and gay marriage
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Winners/Losers: Chris Christie and gay marriage


gay-equalityWINNER: Gay couples in New Jersey

Yeah, pretty obvious. Chris Christie dropped any hint of legal challenge to the end of the gay-marriage ban in New Jersey, meaning the marriage ceremonies that had begun just after midnight Monday morning weren’t academic exercises.


WINNER: Chris Christie (2016 general election presidential candidate)

A moderate Republican governor from a blue state who didn’t stand in the way of gay marriages when given half the chance – he gets the support of the far right by being the GOP nominee (and not being a Democrat), and he gets enough independent and crossover Democrat support to be a viable White House contender, if not odds-on favorite.


LOSER: Chris Christie (2016 nomination candidate)

As if Christie has a chance in hell of getting the party’s nomination now. Republicans who vote in primaries aren’t in the least concerned with winning the election in November. All they care about is nominating one of their own. And a moderate Republican governor from a blue state who got out of the way of gay marriages isn’t one of their own.


LOSER: Republican hopes of winning the 2016 general

Christie was their best shot. Now it’s a sure bet that somebody from the crazy wing gets the nomination and gets McGoverned by Hillary Clinton in the general. Toodles!


– Compiled by Chris Graham



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