Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
BELATED NOD TO CITY COUNCIL: Helmet law passes without incident
I remember thinking when I first heard that Waynesboro City Council was considering a new ordinance that would require moped drivers and riders to wear helmets something along the lines of, “No way in Hades this thing ever passes.”
And then … common sense prevailed.
I’m right there with those in the libertarian mindset that don’t want government doing our thinking for us, but then we have seatbelt laws saving thousands of lives every year.
There’s a flip side to everything, and I think this helmet law is going to be a good thing, particularly given how many mopeds we see on the roads today.
Credit to city council for making this happen.
Now, don’t let it go to your heads!
MORE EVIDENCE THAT VIRGINIA IS THE IT STATE: Warner gets keynote address at Dem Convention
Remember what happened to the last guy to get that slot? Yeah. He’s running for president this year.
That Mark Warner will deliver the keynote address is a testament not only to what he has done to revive the Democratic Party of Virginia, but what he is working to do to the national party, which is to say, make the Democratic Party relevant again by bringing it back toward the center.