Former Republican Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson and the Our America PAC have endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Robert Sarvis and released a statement arguing that “Robert Sarvis is Virginia’s Only Real Choice for Liberty and Freedom.”
Johnson was a popular two-term Republican Governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003. He ran for President in 2012 as a Libertarian, picking up over one million votes from Americans who have grown tired of the two-party system.
Johnson pointed to Virginia’s increasing diversity, saying that Sarvis “understands both liberty and diversity.”
Responding to the endorsement, Sarvis said, “It’s an honor to receive these endorsements. I have enormous respect for Gary Johnson and what he has accomplished as a businessman, as a Governor, and as an outspoken leader for freedom, equality, civil liberties, and fiscal responsibility. And the Our America PAC is an important voice for freedom that eschews partisanship and focuses on issues. I thank them for their endorsements.”
The Our America PAC has also endorsed Bill Redpath, the Libertarian candidate for Congress in Virginia’s 10th District.
The full text of the Our America PAC’s statement is below:
The Our America PAC, a political action committee advocating true fiscal restraint and civil liberties, is urging Virginia voters to support Robert Sarvis in the race for U.S. Senate.
In 201[3], as the Libertarian candidate for Virginia Governor, Sarvis received the highest share of the vote for a third-party candidate in a southern state in the past 40 years. He is challenging incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Warner.
Calling a vote for Sarvis a vote “to end business as usual in Washington”, Fmr. New Mexico Governor and Honorary Chairman of the Our America Initiative Gary Johnson said, “With polls showing that a majority of Americans now believe that neither of the two so-called ‘major’ parties represents them, Robert Sarvis offers a serious, credible alternative in a race that otherwise offers only slightly differing versions of status-quo big government.
“Virginia is an increasingly diverse state with a long history of appreciating liberty as a true American value. Robert Sarvis is a candidate who understands both diversity and liberty.”
Our America PAC advocates the election of candidates who support limited government and greater liberty. The PAC’s advocacy includes mobilizing grassroots support, social media activism and communications. As a “527” political organization, Our America PAC does not contribute directly to candidates or their campaigns.