College can be a very difficult part of your life, no matter where you’re attending. There are all sorts of guides and articles out there about how to make college easier when you’re running into especially rough spots, but many of these resources are about the overarching experience of college. What if you’re having a difficult time internalizing information specifically? Learning is sometimes stressful and difficult. These tools can make it easier for you to learn at college.
1. Time Management Tools
Although time management tools are useful for college overall, they’re especially useful if you’re having a tough time internalizing information that you’re receiving. That’s because most people can’t learn for longer than a relatively short period of time before they get burnt out and stop caring about whatever they’re trying to learn. Whenever you take the time out of your day to learn, consider utilizing a time management tool to make sure you don’t spend hours of your time trying to learn something that keeps escaping you.
2. Plain Old Notebooks and Pens
High-tech methods of learning can sometimes be useful for some people, but much more useful is often a notebook and a pen. With a notebook and a pen, you’re much more free to make notes and write things down in whatever way appeals to you, rather than having to write notes line by line onto a word processing app. At the very least, try and keep some of these in your backpack for the best results.
3. Flashcards
Many people find flashcards an especially useful way of learning. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the fact that flashcards allow you to drill short, sweet pieces of information into your head over and over again on your own or with a friend. Consider making flashcards for classes that may be able to benefit from this method of learning, like a foreign language class or a science class where you need to memorize pieces of information.
4. Recording Software
Have you considered recording lectures and your own notes? Many people don’t take this step, but it’s crucial if you want to really learn from the lectures that you’re receiving. Even just recording lectures using the microphone on your phone can be useful because it allows you to go back into these lectures if you realize you don’t really understand a specific topic or concept.
5. Notes From Other Students
If you missed a class, you need some way to gather the information that was in the class you missed. Even if you attended all your classes, you may still find that it’s very difficult for you to understand certain pieces of the information. That’s where OneClass can come in. When you look at OneClass’ notes and class resources for certain classes that you’re taking, you’re more likely to understand more about the difficult pieces of the puzzle.
The good thing about all these tools is that you don’t have to use them one at a time. Depending on what works best for you, you can use some or all of these tools at once. Whether you’re drawing on other students’ work or you’re looking back at lectures you recorded, don’t be afraid to use every tool at your disposal to learn more in school.