It used to be that going out for dinner and a movie afterwards was the norm for a first date. But now, cooking dinner at home and watching a movie on a streaming service such as Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube Premium is becoming a popular trend according to matchmakers Kelleher International.
Watch a classic movie at home while enjoying a nice romantic home cooked meal. You can even make your own popcorn too.
Here are the best classic movies to watch on a first date
Casablanca (1942)
The quintessential romantic movie, Casablanca features cinema’s most famous and best-loved couple Ilse and Rick. Casablanca tells the story of two star-crossed lovers who believe they finally have a chance at love only to have a spouse who was given up for dead reappear to ruin everything. It is a movie about making the right choices even if it means giving up the person you love. Casablanca is also famous for its one-liners including ‘Here’s looking at you kid’ and ‘Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine…’ Watch Casablanca for its great dialogue, wonderful casting, and music.
His Girl Friday (1940)
His Girl Friday is a comedy about a female reporter (Hildegard, played by Rosalind Russell) who is thinking about leaving the 4th estate and settling down with Bruce Baldwin (played by Ralph Bellamy). Her ex-husband (Walter Burns, played by Cary Grant) tries to talk her out of it by trying to get her interested in a story about the upcoming execution of a convicted murderer. His Girl Friday is famous for having some of the fastest dialogue and being a screwball comedy with lots of laughs.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)
Audrey Hepburn plays Holly Golightly, a cafe society girl who is looking for a rich older man to marry when she meets neighbor and writer Paul Varjak. A series of unfortunate events lead to Holly losing her prospective husband and a chance at a luxurious life. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is the film that turned Audrey Hepburn into an international style icon. Her Ray-Bans, little black dress, and chignon are reasons enough to watch this film.
An Affair to Remember (1957)
If you like tear-jerking romances, you cannot go wrong with An Affair To Remember. This film stars Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant as two people (Terry and Nick) who meet on a boat traveling to New York. Despite their attraction for each other, they are unable to get together since they are both in relationships with other people. They agree to meet at the top of the Empire State Building in six months, but an accident prevents Terry from showing up, forcing Nick to visit her and find out what happened.
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
C.K Dexter Haven (Cary Grant) and Mike Connor (Jimmy Stewart) crash the wedding of Haven’s ex-wife Tracy Samantha Lord (Katherine Hepburn) in this romantic comedy that is chock full of the wittiest one-liners ever. Their lives get complicated when Tracy starts to fall for both men.
It is never a bad time to watch a classic film. Suggest one of these ideas to your date and see what they think.