So the Public Policy Polling poll released yesterday was skewed toward the Republican side – with the respondents splitting 52 percent-to-41 percent for John McCain in last year’s presidential election as I pointed out last night.
My way of saying, Take what I’m about to say next based on the PPP numbers with a couple of grains of salt.
OK, here goes. Only 53 percent of those surveyed think Barack Obama was born in the United States? Seriously?
Twenty-four percent think Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. Another 24 percent said they were unsure.
Breaking it down to the race for governor, 36 percent of those who told PPP that they plan to vote for Republican Bob McDonnell for governor think Obama was not born here, and another 31 percent are unsure.
And you didn’t think this was about Virginia politics. Sure, it’s about trying to block meaningful health-care and clean-energy reforms first and foremost, but with Virginia one of the two off-year political-battleground states with governor’s elections this year, undermining Obama is about what happens in Virginia as well, as Dean Debnam, the president of Public Policy Polling, suggests when he offers the idea that Democrat Creigh Deeds despite the numbers can benefit from having Obama with him on the campaign trail to energize the de-energized in the Democratic Party base here.
Which is all fine and good in terms of analysis, and I agree with what Debnam had to offer there 100 percent. But I’m still having a hard time getting over this birther crapfest.
Though I have an idea …
Next time you run into a Republican running for office this fall, and they’re all over the place, literally, do us all a favor and ask him for his birth certificate.
Better yet, make sure you have a video camera running before you ask. That’s how the digital age works.
Make it clear that you’re not interested in a copy of the birth certificate, because we all know that copies can be forged. You’re going to want the real thing, and you’re going to want it then.
If he dawdles, let him know in no uncertain terms that you don’t appreciate him hiding from you the details of where he was born.
If he produces something that at first glance looks authentic, be careful. He could have copied it from the web from the real birth certificate of some guy in Australia.
Either way, the next step would be to browbeat and harangue and otherwise rattle the hell out of said guy.
For example: “Says here you were born in Minnesota. That’s awfully close to Canada. Can you prove you weren’t actually born in Canada? Because I think you were born in Canada.”
Put the resulting video up on YouTube, send the link to me, and we’ll share it with others that we hope to get in and with the world.
Bonus points if the guy cries, calls you “macaca” or sics his henchmen or the local police on you.
– Column by Chris Graham