Stocks and Coffee recently launched its latest course that covers all the basics of investing and trading for beginners. The content of this course is most suitable for people without any information about trading but wish to delve into the field and discover some of the secrets as to what makes a good investor.
Investing Brilliance, a course designed for beginners by the creators at Stocks and Coffee is a fully-fledged course designed to address and correct common mistakes made by traders and investors who lack basic knowledge in this field. The course is successful in its aim to be very specific with its lessons so students can benefit from watching and studying the lessons multiple times.
Duncan Maxfield, the person behind Stocks and Coffee, expressed his unadulterated passion for finance and entrepreneurship saying he wanted to expand his knowledge further as well as teach others the tips and tricks of succeeding in the stock market.
“We at Stocks and Coffee want to make trading and investing for people an easy and enjoyable process. People tend to make a lot of mistakes that lead to them losing money instead of making profits. We want our course to address those issues and teach all the important basics from beginning to end.”
What The Course Covers
The course outline features the following lessons to be learned:
- Technical Analysis – which teaches you to read charts, technical indicators as well as knowing how to utilize technical analysis when trading and/or investing.
- Fundamental Analysis – in this particular lesson you learn how to be able to conduct quantitative as well as qualitative fundamental analysis, and also analyze financial statements with ease like a professional.
- Building a Portfolio – this lesson is also significant as it teaches on how to build an outstanding portfolio for your investing strategy and learn to properly balance and diversify it, so as not to make it uninteresting and bland.
- Proper Mindset – in this part students learn to build a wealth-oriented mindset by getting a psychological advantage with the lessons provided on emotional control.
The course curriculum consists of six lessons further divided into bite-sized topics to learn from. The course runs for more than five hours when without pause and tackles topics such as “Market & Economic Cycles”, “When to Buy and Sell”, and many more. The information in the lessons provided aims to be precise and easily digestible for the people enrolled in the course.
Why Do People Lose Money In Stocks?
Losing more money than gaining it in the stock market is a common problem among investors. According to the information provided by this course, an estimated 90% of retail investors tend to lose money in the stock market leaving 10% of them being able to make consistent returns.
Investing Brilliance includes lessons to tackle such a commonly occurring problem. It is also discussed in the blog how investors aiming to succeed need to understand how market cycles work, how fundamental and technical analyses are to be conducted, and when it is the right time to stop a loss and take profit.
What Is The Course’s Target Audience?
The course, as mentioned earlier, is meant for beginner investors who are interested in learning how experienced investors are so successful in the stock market and want to follow in their footsteps.
The course, although it does not discourage the experienced and well-learned from joining in, is not designed specifically for them. They can, however, join in to further brush up on their knowledge and skills. People with intermediate experience can also join in as they might learn a thing or two also since Investing Brilliance aims to teach from the very beginning as thoroughly as possible.
The course, overall, is meant to prepare people to be successful in the stock market from multiple angles, whether it be the inclination towards investment, or trade, or both.
How Much Will It Cost For You To obtain This Course?
The full course can be obtained by paying a once-only price of $89 and upon payment you receive over five hours’ worth of information to refer to as much as you need. The content covers topics, namely: “Investing Strategies” – which promotes your ability to develop your own unique style, and “Trading Strategies” that cover trading techniques and how to be able to incorporate them in a trading plan.