The City of Staunton’s Parks & Recreation department was awarded by the Virginia Recreation and Park Society for the Gypsy Hill Gateway and Interpretive Signs project.
Judged by a jury of its peers, Staunton’s Parks & Rec was awarded the 2021 Best New Renovation/Addition (Parks, Playgrounds, Blueways, Greenways or Trails): 25,001-50,000 category for the recent construction and renovations completed to the Gypsy Hill Park entranceway, historical signs behind the pumphouse and renovated spring boxes.
Superintendent of Parks John Snyder was in attendance to receive the award on behalf of Staunton Parks & Recreation at the Virginia Recreation and Park Society’s 68th annual conference in Virginia Beach.
“This project demonstrates what is possible when citizens and government come together with a shared vision for maintaining and improving a cherished community asset,” said Chris Tuttle, director of Parks & Recreation.
The project was a multi-year effort from conception to completion.
In 2018, interested citizens formed the Gypsy Hill Park Gateway Restoration Committee to create and implement a plan and raise funds for upgrading various elements at the park entrance.
Hundreds of Staunton and area residents donated to the project, raising more than $240,000 in private funds.
In addition, numerous local and regional contractors worked on the project, many of whom who donated materials and services to the project.
This committee worked alongside Staunton Parks & Recreation and Frazier Associates architecture and planning firm who donated design services to complete installation of the major new gateway sign, restoration of the existing gates and brick piers, installation of new historically styled fences and staircases, reconstruction of the wood shingled, peak roofs of the three historic spring boxes, installation of historically-style street lights and new brick sidewalks, restoration of the historic entry light, repairs and repainting of the garden center and installation of interpretive signs about the park.
New benches were installed as was new landscaping with assistance of city horticulturist Matt Sensabaugh.
Staunton’s Public Works assisted in the installation of the large new gateway sign which was fabricated by Artesano Iron Works of Philadelphia, Penn.
The local committee members are co-chairs Bill Frazier and Linda Hanna, Dede Bumgardner, Janet Ferguson, Beth Scripps, Tom Sheets and Mary Timberlake with continual assistance of Parks & Recreation and various other city offices.
The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge was the fiscal agent for the committee.