Today, 35 percent of dogs and cats in U.S. households are not spayed or neutered, yet the procedure is one of the most effective ways to reduce the homeless pet population. Unfortunately, pit bulls end up in shelters in large numbers due to myths and negative publicity, which impact public perceptions of the breed.
With 8 million homeless pets entering U.S. shelters every year, Shenandoah Valley Spay/Neuter Clinic is helping to solve this problem by participating in PetSmart Charities®’ “Primp Your Pit ” August spay/neuter campaign. This year, PetSmart Charities is providing more than $394,000 in funding so that 49 animal welfare organizations in 24 states can perform 6,248 surgeries on pit bull terriers during the month of August.
Locally, Shenandoah Valley Spay/Neuter Clinic plans to spay/neuter 200 pit bull terriers and pit bull terrier mixes for the special $20 rate, which includes a free nail trim. This special rate during the “Primp Your Pit” event applies to everyone.
“Spaying/neutering a pet is the most effective thing a pet parent can do to prevent unwanted litters from being born that will ultimately end on in local shelters,” says Dan Chavez, Community Outreach Manager, Shenandoah Valley Spay/Neuter Clinic.
For pet parents who may be hesitant to get their young puppies sterilized, it’s important to note that the American Veterinary Medical Association endorses spaying and neutering puppies as young as eight to 10 weeks old. Research shows that the procedure may improve the behavior and health of the pet, including reducing the risk of certain reproductive cancers and infections.
Pit bull parents who wish to take advantage of this special offer must mention the “Primp Your Pit” promotion when they schedule their appointments. The promotion is based on availability.
Please visit or call 540.437.1980 for more information or to schedule an appointment.