It started with an idea from a young man named Jeffrey Bowers at the Boys & Girls Club. He attended the National Youth Venture Summit in Orlando and thought there should be a video on bullying.
That idea grew. Cynthia Pritchard, executive director of the United Way of Greater Augusta, says, “Jeremiah Jordan contacted our office about an internship and loved the concept, and that came hand in hand with the receipt of the funding to do the video.”
Funding for the project came from the Waynesboro Kiwanis Club and the Gannett Foundation.
“We contacted the Boys and Girls club and partnered on the project,” continues Pritchard. Youth from the B&GC are the players and star in simulated bullying situations.
Did you know that an estimated 160,000 children miss school every day because of a fear they will be attacked or intimidated by other children? One in seven students in grades K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying. Ninety percent of fourth- through sixth-graders have reported they are victims of bullying.
– Statistics from the National Education Association
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