Congressman Donald McEachin as a Member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce was an original co-sponsor of the Save the Internet Act that will keep the internet open and free. This legislation reverses the Federal Communications Commission’s 2017 repeal of net neutrality protections.
Congressman Donald McEachin made the following comments:
“My constituents overwhelmingly support restoration of net neutrality and as an original cosponsor of the Save the Internet Act, I am proud to be working towards that goal,” said Congressman McEachin. “Common carrier protections have always been vital—evolving and molding to the budding technologies of new eras, including the telegraph, railroads, telephone lines, and airlines. These protections are now more important than ever in preserving the openness of the most powerful technology of this century: the Internet. Access to high-speed Internet services increases social mobility, economic equality, and community growth. As such, I am committed to ensuring that every family, school, business, and community has open, unrestricted access to high-speed Internet without barriers.”