Harrisonburg Police Department Lt. Roger Knott will retire Oct. 1, ending a 30-year career in public service.
Knott started at HPD in 1990 and progressed through the ranks working in many different assignments along the way including a patrol officer, narcotic detective, general investigator, negotiations team, SWAT team, administrative supervisor, traffic supervisor, patrol supervisor, investigations supervisor and interim captain.
“I have grown to have a great amount of respect for Roger, not solely because of his various assignments but because of his dedication, passion and exceptional work ethic,” said Interim Police Chief Gabriel Comacho. “Roger is an individual who does the right things because it must be done, that comes across genuine and in his character.”
Knott plans to enjoy his retirement from the police department but will not be far from police work. He will be a staff member at the Central Shenandoah Criminal Justice Training Academy, the regional police academy that serves the Shenandoah Valley.