We have known Donald Smith, candidate for Augusta County sheriff, and his family since before his birth. Therefore, we feel qualified in attesting to the following four statements which outline our candidates attributes. Parenthetical: Should you, as Augusta County citizens, know his maternal grandmother, then it is easy for you to understand the sterling family dynamics from which Donald comes.
Donald was born into a loving family where strong Christian values and lessons were a day-to-day practice. These values are clearly attached to Donald, yet, today.
Donald has the educational background which is pivotal in his ability to serve our fine citizenry as sheriff.
Now, let us take a long and hard look at the work ethic – as it applies to Donald. Here we find an area in which our candidate clearly exceeds all expectations.
– As a student, he worked with diligence to attain his college degrees.
– While a deputy, he earned the required credentials which led him to become the youngest deputy in Augusta County to ever attain his title, Assistant SWAT Commander.
– Donald is the only certified explosive breacher in our county.
Attention all taxpayers! Donald has been involved in managing budgets from the farm to the SWAT team. Donald wants to use Augusta County taxpayers money effectively and with wise discernment. As it was brought out in the Fort Defiance High School forum on Oct. 6, school safety was addressed and Donald concluded as follows: school resource officers are pivotal; there is no question about it. However, funding will be necessary to place an officer in each school. But we quote: “Locking the doors to each facility would cost nothing.”
As two concern citizens in our Great County of Augusta, we are expectant of Donald Smith winning the election for Sheriff on November 3. Please get out and exercise your constitutional right at the polls.
– Letter from Linda Mohler and W. E. Homes III