Globally, national governments and private industries are making a push towards reducing carbon emissions. As part of the U.S. Paris Agreement, several nations pledge to strive towards net zero emissions by 2050. However, accomplishing this goal will require a multifaceted approach, including participation by renewable energy organizations like Green Development LLC.
Reducing plastic consumption
One of the pivotal steps in achieving decarbonization goals is to reduce plastic consumption and waste, which are derived from petroleum, a fossil fuel. This can be done in two ways. The first is to drastically increase recycling efforts to curb new plastic production efforts.
The second phase involves the transition away from plastic products whenever possible. This may include switching to reusable grocery bags, glassware, and aluminum cans. All of these options produce less impact than single-use plastic bags and bottles.
Transition to electric vehicles
In recent years, several major car manufacturers have begun producing electric vehicles. However, many of these vehicles are still more expensive than comparable combustion engine vehicles, making them impractical for many lower middle-class households. By reducing pricing, offering tax incentives, and increasing the availability of low-cost public charging stations, federal governments can encourage the transition to these vehicles.
On the public transportation side, the transition to electric buses and trains is already underway in many cities and towns. Unlike cars, these vehicles have predictable routes and times when they are on the road, so it’s easier to plan for less costly, off-peak charging times.
Even with the rise of green energy sources like wind and solar, most vehicles on the road today rely on fossil fuels. Until these EVs become accessible to a majority of citizens, reaching a zero emissions goal will be difficult, if not impossible.
Build more green energy
Making the switch to green energy is at the heart of decarbonization goals. In the past, renewable energy sources were expensive to implement and were relatively inefficient. However, that is no longer the case. In fact, renewable energy is now cheaper than fossil fuels in many parts of the world.
Optimizing the use of solar and wind energy sources is a must if nations want to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. An added benefit of making the switch is that it will improve national security by reducing the dependence on foreign oil.
These sources should be strategically implemented in specific geographical locations to optimize their output. This includes placing wind farms in the Midwest, coastal areas, and even off the coast. Solar farms should be installed in the highest solar radiation areas, such as southern states and the southwestern U.S.
Create smarter buildings
According to HSBC, buildings account for roughly 40% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. As a result, any decarbonization efforts must include transitioning to smart buildings. Doing so can reduce unnecessary energy consumption and make it easier to transition to renewable resources.
Modern buildings implement automated sensors, climate control software, and innovative materials to improve energy efficiency. These technologies reduce after-hours cooling and heating, turn off lights when not in use, and eliminate wasted energy loss through walls and windows.
By implementing all of these strategies, nations can work together to achieve a brighter future and reduce carbon emissions. Doing so is the key to controlling global warming and creating a sustainable approach to global energy needs. Green Development LLC is doing its part by striving to produce an additional 70 MW of solar and wind utilities in 2021.
About Green Development
Green Development LLC is the leading developer of utility-scale renewable energy projects in Rhode Island, specializing in wind, solar, and battery storage. The company delivers significant energy savings to municipalities, quasi-public entities, nonprofits, and other qualified entities through the virtual net metering program while providing long-term lease payments to landowners and farmers.
Since 2009, Green Development has been instrumental in transforming the energy mix in Rhode Island to clean, reliable energy. The company has developed more than 75 MW in solar and wind capacity, with plans to add 70 additional MW in 2021. Green Development is devoted to preserving farmland, reducing water and air pollution, increasing energy security, and creating local jobs. Current wind and solar sites reduce carbon emissions equivalent to using 8,091,141 gallons of gas each year.
Story by Jessica Brown