Public Policy Polling asked voters this week their thoughts on which presidential candidate would be most likely to say something stupid at the Thanksgiving dinner table. Your best guess as to who gets that nod.
Donald Trump wins this one going away, with 46 percent of voters pulling the lever for The Donald.
Hillary Clinton was a distant second, at 22 percent, Bernie Sanders an even more distant third at 7 percent.
No doubt Trump thinks this is more evidence of how fabulous and fantastic he is.
Clinton was the top choice, by a much smaller margin, on the question of which candidate voters would like to have over for Thanksgiving. Clinton was the choice of 24 percent, with Ben Carson in second at 18 percent, Trump at 17 percent, and Sanders at 11 percent.
One other Thanksgiving political polling tidbit: Republicans don’t like Obama. This news flash is buttressed by PPP asking voters their thoughts on the president pardoning two Thanksgiving turkeys last year instead of the customary one. Republican voters disapproved of the move by a 38-11 margin.
(Democrats were in support, 59-11, and independents backed the move, 28-21).
So if Obama says two is better than one, Republicans will disagree just for the sake of disagreeing.
What a country we live in.
– Story by Chris Graham