Home Greg Marrow | Where we went wrong on transportation
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Greg Marrow | Where we went wrong on transportation


Recently, it was reported that Del. Steve Landes had voiced his concern about the closing of two rest areas in Mount Sidney and the potential closing of the Verona residency office. While I’m pleased that he shares the view that I expressed weeks ago, let us not forget that Del. Landes played a large role in getting VDOT and us in this mess in the first place.

Landes has consistently fought against compromises in proposed transportation funding which in turn contributed to several budget stalemates over the past few years. Now he is upset because VDOT has proposed drastic measures to make up for the budget shortfall that he knowingly helped create?

In the aforementioned article Del. Landes also cited a concern for public safety. This is the same Del. Landes that voted against HB 1876, which banned texting on a cell phone while driving. Being preoccupied by a cell phone while driving is a well-known safety hazard. So why wasn’t he concerned with highway safety then? Actions speak louder than words, and considering Landes’ votes on these issues, his comments here ring hollow.



– Greg Marrow is a candidate for the 25th House District Democratic Party nomination.



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