Cleaning up is a chore you may put off for a while, but that will eventually have to be done. Whether you’re dealing with a construction site, a farm or a disused building, you’ll probably be faced with the headache of piles of waste that need to be removed and disposed of.
Even domestically, you might have broken furniture or appliances that the local garbage collection service can’t deal with. Even worse is having to deal with rubbish that’s been dumped by other people without your knowledge or permission. On top of it all, you probably won’t know how to clear the rubbish and how or where to dispose of the waste responsibly.
Site clearance can involve many different types of rubbish and rubble that may require special equipment. It’s the best to look for a company that specialises in exactly that kind of work. Based in London, they can remove all sorts of waste on short notice. From farm or industrial waste to construction sites, Big Ben uses the best equipment, the requisite amount of labor and even clean up the site after clearance.
But if you’re just looking to unclutter your space, be it your house or office, here are a few tips to help you achieve your aim relatively painlessly:
Plan for Disposal
Before you begin, make sure you think carefully about where the items you’re removing are headed. Is it recyclable, for instance? If someone else can make use of it, you could donate it, or sell it at the local thrift market. Some items may require professional removers like Big Ben. Planning ahead makes it easier to classify what to dispose of at specific times.
Stop Buying on Impulse
This may seem strange at first, but when you think about, most of the things that end up as clutter are those that are picked up on the spur of the moment. Often, soon after buying a knickknack, one finds themselves wondering what they were thinking, or what purpose the item was supposed to serve. Resisting the urge helps reduce the amount of junk in your space.
Take Your Time
Trying to do a complete uncluttering in a day will often end up as a failure. For one, there may be too much stuff to get rid of. Also, lots of stuff that should have been on the list is often either overlooked or deliberately left behind for sentimental reasons. The physical effort required may also lead to the postponement, which only leaves room for more clutter to accumulate. Depending on the amount of clutter, plan to do it over a number of days or weeks.
A good way to get rid of a large amount of clutter is to resolve to remove a single item every day – and have the discipline to stick to the resolution. It is amazing how much can be achieved with this simple plan.
Do the Easy Stuff First
Trying to decide if to get rid of something may have sentimental but no other value can lessen the resolve. Start by getting rid of stuff that is easy to identify as clutter. This not only gets the process going, but also helps to strengthen the resolve to unclutter.
Avoid Over-Equipping
Your home or office doesn’t need to have the latest gadget or device. If what is there still works, keep it. If it is absolutely necessary to replace something, actually replacing it is the best option. Often, device vendors offer trade-ins for a discount on the new item, a better option than tossing it into a corner.
Get Permission Before Disposing of Other Peoples’ Clutter
Sentimental attachments, especially to gifts, can lead to conflict if permission is not sought. They may be old, faded, and of no use to anyone, but nostalgia or guilt are powerful emotions and the owner may feel angry or hurt if their treasured item is tossed out without ceremony. Getting the person involved in the plan from the word go would also be a good idea.
Have the Strength to Let Go
A lot of the clutter around us came in the form of gifts, mementos, and curios. In the first place, gifts do not have to be material; a loved one can be shown appreciation by time spent together in a special place, being sent on an adventure, or just given cash to do what they please with.
Most families have piles of photo albums with memorable moments recorded on paper photographs. Scanning these onto digital media, not only clear the space these albums occupy, but also makes it easier to share the photos with friends and family. This process also makes the storage of the photos more secure as they can be saved in the Cloud. Many are the stories of whole collections of photos and documents lost to fire, floods or theft.
Do Not Become a Slave to Clutter
Remember, every piece of clutter, be it an ornament or device, needs maintenance, cleaning, and repair. This takes up time that could be better used doing other things.
And Finally
Broken furniture and appliances usually end up piled up in yards, garages, or attics. Those that cannot be repaired or recycled are best disposed of by professional companies. They’re usually big on responsible disposal of such items in an environmentally friendly way, so giving them a call leaves you with a clear conscience.