The current lines will be upgraded to 230 kV standards.
Dominion will replace lines in a 21.5-mile stretch in West Staunton, according to their website.
Dominion said that most of the structures and components in the corridor have been in service for nearly five decades. The line is primarily built on wooden H-frame structers with weathering structures.
“Due to the age of the wooden H-frames and reliability concerns with weathering steel lattice structures, the line needs to be replaced to maintain reliability for our customers,” according to the Dominion project website.
Dominion has plans to replace the weathering structures with brown, weathering-steel monopolies and steel H-frame structures with galvanized cross arms and x-braces.
Pre-construction activities are taking place now through Spring 2023.
According to Dominion Energy, construction will begin in Summer 2023.
For more information on the project and location, visit