Home Domestic violence community discussion in Waynesboro
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Domestic violence community discussion in Waynesboro


The Waynesboro Democratic Committee and Augusta County Democratic Committee will host Rev. Marion Kanour, founder of the Nelson County Domestic Violence Task Force, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the party headquarters in Willow Oak Plaza to discuss domestic violence.

The Nelson County Domestic Violence Task Force, founded in 2014, works with multiple organizations to provide both resources and a transition home for crime victims in the county.

“But for the sake of one person that can make a break from domestic violence, it is worth it. It’s hard work,” Kanour said.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports 10 million people nationwide are physically abused by an intimate partner. The Virginia Department of Health found that in 2016, 33% of all homicides in the state committed by an intimate partner.

The discussion is the first of an ongoing series of ‘Community Conversations’ to be held the third Wednesday of each month.

“We want to engage and inform people on issues that effect our community. Through these conversations, we hope to share ideas, information, and experience to effect positive change,” said Tiffany Potter, chairperson of the Waynesboro Democratic Committee.



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