Columbia Gas of Virginia has recorded the three highest summer demand days for natural gas delivery in its 169-year history.
During the last week of July, Columbia Gas posted consecutive new single day summer delivery levels of natural gas on July 25, 26 and 27. Much of the natural gas demand was required for Columbia’s electric power generation customers.
“Natural gas provides a lower-cost and more environmentally-friendly energy source to generate electricity and helps keep us cool during the peak summer heat. This trend further reinforces the priority for developing robust infrastructure to meet the needs of energy consumers,” said Brent Archer, president of Columbia Gas of Virginia. “Through the work of our employees in managing and maintaining our network of underground pipelines, Columbia Gas is able to safely and reliably meet this record summer energy demand.”
The table below shows the new historic total summer delivery levels and power generation demand for Columbia Gas, measured in Dekatherms (Dth) per day. Only 3/5/15 and 1/14/15 rank higher in total natural gas delivery days for Columbia Gas.
Date | Total Delivery (Dth) | Power Generation Demand (Dth) |
7/27/2016 | 766,406 | 618,128 |
7/26/2016 | 760,690 | 611,984 |
7/25/2016 | 767,564 | 610,313 |
A Dekatherm measures the heat value of natural gas. A Dekatherm is equal to one million British thermal units (Btu). The average home heated with natural gas uses about 68 Dekatherms annually. The natural gas deliveries for each of the record-setting days equates to roughly the annual usage of more than 9,000 homes.
Archer also mentioned that the investments Columbia Gas has made to upgrade and modernize its underground infrastructure across Virginia is benefitting all customers, during both winter and summer peak demand periods.