PUSH: Barack Obama campaigns for Creigh Deeds
My inclination is to say that Obama ends up losing on this one. I’m surprised he even followed through, to be honest. Not only because Deeds distanced himself from the Obama campaign back in the summer, but because of the obvious – the stink of this campaign is going to be something for Democrats to overcome heading into the ’10 midterms.
I rate this a push because I think the president deserves something for being willing to expend political capital on this lost cause of all lost causes.
PUSH: Creigh Deeds has Barack Obama campaign for him
Should be a winner, but you don’t wait until a week before the election to have a president elected by the biggest margin in 20 years (and the first of your party to win your state in 44) come in on your behalf.
Too little, way, way too late.
WINNER: Somehow Jim Zorn still has a job
The entirety of his value was his supposed genius at play-calling. So now he’s had those responsibilities taken away.
Now Jim Zorn is a well-paid headset holder.
Good work, The Danny.
WINNER: Yanks in six
Both New York and Philadelphia have potent lineups. The Yankee lineup is by far more potent, and Joe Girardi is getting more out of his starting pitching than anybody would have thought.
I give the Phils two games because they’ll take Game 3 and Game 5 on heart and desire. But the Yanks are clearly the best team in baseball this year.
WINNER: Bob McDonnell
Not for the obvious. We all get it – he’s going to win by a landslide. To get there the guy ran a smart campaign, and if he manages state government the way he managed his campaign, Virginia will be OK. We won’t do much to move things forward, but I expect McDonnell to hold the fort down. I’m calling him a winner because sometime the night of Nov. 3 he becomes a top contender for the GOP in 2012. Even though he can’t run without exposing himself to the same criticisms thrown at Tim Kaine when Kaine was a brief top contender for the Democratic VP spot in ’08. (Which is why partisans need to be careful when they go for the low-hanging fruit. The other side doesn’t have to reach that far, either.)
– Column by Chris Graham