Central Virginia Blues Society is putting on a concert next weekend to benefit Staunton residents whose homes were damaged in the Aug. 8 floods.
The Saturday, Oct. 17 “Blue Skies are Falling” concert will be held at Sunspot Pavilion in the Wharf District in Downtown Staunton.
The 2-6 p.m. event will feature four hours of free music from the Blues Society.
Admission is free, with the hope that attendees will be generous and donate to the cause.
All proceeds from the event will go directly to benefit flood victims through the Staunton Flood Relief Fund at the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge.
The city projects that there were more than $3.1 million in damages caused by the flooding, the bulk of that – $2.2 million – being borne by private property owners, including business and homeowners.
The state has declined the city’s request to seek a disaster declaration that would have opened up state and federal monies to those who incurred damages.
The city may be eligible for reimbursement for a fraction of the $889,615 in damages to city properties from the flooding.
The Staunton Flood Relief Fund, established by the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge, announced earlier this week that it will be allocating $123,500 to residents affected by the August floods.
To donate to the Staunton Flood Relief Fund, visit cfcbr.org/staunton-flood-relief-fund.
Private property owners in need of continued assistance are encouraged to contact Rebecca Joyce, Community Program Manager of the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission, who can make referrals to possible sources of assistance, at [email protected] or 540.885.5174 x112.
Story by Chris Graham