As summertime continues to heat up, it is an excellent opportunity to turn up the temperature on your romance with your girlfriend. Giving your gal the perfect gift is a wonderful way to show her that you care.
However, you must select your gifts with time, care, and consideration. Just as a well-chosen gift can spark the flames of love, a meaningless present may have an undesirable and opposite effect.
At the heart of any surprise is the thought and consideration that goes into choosing your gift particularly for its specific recipient. Before you go clicking on that “purchase now” button, make sure you are taking the time to select a gift that speaks directly to the lady of your affections.
The 12 Best Gifts for Your Girlfriend
Here are some suggestions for thoughtful, customizable gifts that are popular this summer to show your girlfriend she is your one and only:
Give Her the Stars
Let your girlfriend know she is your whole universe by registering a star to be named after her. Alternatively, you may choose to name a star after your nickname or pet name for your girlfriend to give it an extra personalized touch.
Gift a Real Life Teddy Bear
There are various services that allow you to pick from a wide selection of fuzzy, friendly, furry critters that you can opt to symbolically adopt or sponsor. Bonus: you get the satisfaction of knowing you are helping an animal in need!
Design a Custom Name Necklace
Her name is the only name on your mind, so give her a customized necklace with her name or initials. They are available in a wide variety of styles, colors, and types that you can choose from to make the perfect name necklace for your perfectly named girlfriend.
Order Her Some Personalized Socks
Get warm and fuzzy from the ground up with a pair of custom, personalized socks. These may feature pictures of your girlfriend, her pets, her name, her favorite flowers, a quote she loves—anything that is meaningful to her can be designed on some specialized footwear.
XO a Special Map of Where You Met
You remember all too well that moment when you first saw your special lady. Commemorate the location of that special occasion with a “where we met” map that features your relationship origin spot.
Write the Story of Your Romance
Make a picture book detailing the events of your “meet cute” story with your girlfriend. Use pictures from special times and trips together to illustrate your book of love.
Frame a Moment in Time
Have a unique, customized frame made with your and your girlfriend’s names and use it to display a photo of the two of you from a very unique and personal memory that you share: a trip, an event, a birthday, an anniversary, or some other occasion that is important to you as a couple.
Customize a Cup Running Over with Affection
Design a customized mug with pictures, quotes, and memories so that your girlfriend can begin every morning with a big cup of coffee and a reminder of how much she means to you.
Let Her Drink Wine from a Thoughtful Glass
You say your girl is not the coffee drinking type? Opt for a specially engraved wine glass, instead, and share sips of a nice bottle of her favorite cabernet sauvignon, merlot, sangria, chardonnay, or whatever her favorite flavor of the vine may be.
Keep Her Warm with a Personalized Blanket
You can have a customized blanket or snuggie created that features pictures of your girlfriend. Other features to consider include the two of you, your pets, or any other photos or memories to help keep her warm as hot summer nights turn to cool fall evenings.
Treat Your Girlfriend with Her Favorite Sweets
Organize a box of chocolates, candies, and other treats specific to your girlfriend’s taste. Be sure to pick out only the treats that she likes and avoid those that she does not. Bonus points for hard to find candies or treats from her childhood that you remember her telling you about.
Craft a Nostalgic Puzzle
A custom photo puzzle that features a picture of the two of you is a fun gift that doubles as a great way to spend time with your girlfriend when you put it together as a team. When the photo is done, glue it to cardboard, frame it, and hang it up for all to admire!
There are any number of great gifts out there for your summertime sweetie. No matter what kind of specialized present you settle on for your girlfriend, just remember this basic rule of gift giving: it is sure to be a hit as long as it comes from the heart.
Story by Jacob Maslow