Augusta Health had administered 18,040 COVID-19 vaccinations as of the end of the business day on Tuesday.
The regional hospital administered 959 first or second doses of COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday – and on Wednesday, more than 1,300 doses were scheduled across first and second dose clinics, and at an off-site clinic at Springdale Apartments.
The registration process has changed since the last update:
The Virginia Department of Health’s new vaccine registration site is now live:
All Virginians should use this central site to sign up for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Some important points of note:
- If you already registered at the Central Shenandoah Health District website, you do not need to register again. Your information has been migrated to the new registration site, and you will still maintain your place in line. You can confirm you are registered by going to the website and clicking on ‘Check the List’.
- If you are already registered, you’ll get a message that reads ‘The user is registered’. However, the site does not provide information on where you are on the list.
- Anyone – regardless of eligibility category – can now register; you do not have to be a certain age or an essential worker. However, vaccines will still be given in phases by priority group. If you are not included in the current phase, you will be included at a later date.
- Registration is not an appointment for vaccination. Registration provides your contact information so you can be reached to schedule an appointment when one is available for you.
Call Center
The Virginia Department of Health has opened a new Call Center to serve all residents.
- The phone number is 1-877-VAX-IN-VA (1-877-829-4682)
- The Call Center is open seven days a week from 8 am – 8 pm
Appointments are required for vaccination, and walk-in clinics are not currently scheduled. Continue to exercise patience as vaccine supplies will remain limited for the next several weeks.