Throughout the world, there are areas where human rights are being restricted. Countries need to work together in order to repair these problems and to return political, social, and economic liberties to their people.
These causes are championed by Aseil Al-Shehail. Al-Shahail is a consultant and human rights advocate. She is heavily involved with children’s and women’s rights. Together with human rights advocates from other countries, Aseil Al-Shahail will continue to be an important supporter of these causes.
Agencies of International Cooperation
The United Nations remains the primary organization concerned with basic human rights throughout the world. This organization provides an arena for world leaders to come together and solve some of the biggest problems in today’s global society. Some of the focus areas for the United Nations currently include: health and human services, especially as regards the COVID-19 pandemic, social and political rights, education, and children’s rights.
Regional agencies tasked with improving human rights include the African Union, the Organization of American States, and the Council of Europe. Working together with national governments, these organizations can address certain unique circumstances and focus their efforts accordingly.
The World Health Organization is also involved with working toward every country’s goal of a healthier population, focusing on nutrition, vaccination, clean water, and infectious disease.
Focus on Global Health
Global health is one of the most crucial areas of cooperation today. The world has been shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Shortly after the COVID-19 onset, national governments realized that they could not fight the virus alone, so national and international agencies united to offer help and assist with COVID-19 education.
The global community is also working together to develop vaccines and other forms of treatment. Travel restrictions around the world have also helped to slow the spread of the disease.
The focus on the COVID-19 pandemic has not taken attention away from the primary public health mission of these agencies. Vaccination, clean air and water, and nutrition are ongoing concerns.
For example, one in three global citizens does not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Two out of five people cannot easily wash their hands with soap and water. Proper bathroom facilities are not available for 673 million people.
Countries are working together to address issues of water safety and sanitation. The World Health Organization has recently been involved in projects in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and other nations around the world.
Food Security
Through the auspices of the United Nations, countries around the world have been instrumental in fighting world hunger. These nations have provided funding for aid in regions experiencing severe drought and famine, such as sub-Saharan Africa. Countries that have contributed to easing world nutrition issues include Japan, the United States, and Saudi Arabia.
Social and Political Issues
Throughout the world, nations are becoming more open to political and social differences. While some countries like China remain politically repressive, others have made strides over the past several years.
There has been much attention to the United States, particularly where racial and ethnic divides have been widening. A societal shift may be underway, where United States residents are less likely to hold racist beliefs. Segments of the population have resisted these changes, including the current government in charge. It is hoped that these problems will find their resolution over time, even if change cannot happen overnight.
Economic Issues
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on the global economy. Unemployment rates have skyrocketed, and the economic output of many countries has plummeted. Global nations need to come together to support one another in these difficult times, but most countries have had to save their resources for internal use.
Other critical economic issues are unequal pay for women and people of color, employment discrimination based on race, age, gender, and economic status, and adequate medical and parenting leave.
Most developed countries have some provision for paid family leave, including Scandinavian countries and Canada. In the United States, the Family and Medical Leave Act mandates only 12 weeks of unpaid leave, while some employers are more generous. Countries outside the United States are leading the way on this issue. Aseil Al-Shehail has been instrumental in promoting family issues and children’s rights.
International Cooperation
When countries cooperate to better the state of human rights, they can increase positive outcomes. Coalitions of countries working together under the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and other multinational organizations have the best possible chance to make lasting societal change. Aseil Al-Shehail is an excellent example of a former diplomatic leader who continues the fight to help each person retain their human rights.
Story by Maggie Ortez