Life goes on, and so does business. Although the lockdown slowed down both, people and companies are now getting back to building the new future, and it already shows through new investments in the region. As corporations get back to business, they will need to make sure they understand what their clients are looking for in today’s new world and economy and so they need to find new ways to communicate.
Understanding the New World
It would be a mistake for corporations and smaller businesses to believe that life will simply get back to what it used to be, before the coronavirus took on the world like a storm. It is leaving behind it many scarves which will influence the way people live, but also the way they go about their daily lives and their spending. Understanding this new mentality will be a key for businesses to survive and flourish.
How can companies acquire such knowledge? By asking. And the simplest way to inquire on this subject is to use surveys aimed at their clients. This tool has become a central part in company’s marketing department to understand the coming trends inside their industry. By preparing a series of questions directly aiming to the subject at hand, a corporation will gain the knowledge that will bring an advantage and keep them ahead of the competition. You can learn more on this website.
Investments coming in Augusta County
A good indication of the return to business is the fact that companies are restarting to invest. One of the most important companies based in Shenandoah Valley, Hershey, just made another important commitment to the community in Augusta County. The company announced that it would invest another $135M to expand its manufacturing operations in the county. This money will go towards expanding their current facility by 90,000 square feet at the Stuart Draft Facility, creating 110 jobs in the process.
Hershey Chocolate of Virginia Inc. has played an important role in Augusta County’s growth, as it operates its activity in the region for over 30 years now. This is the second expansion that Hershey makes on its Virginia plant, as last year they had already invested $104M into their second-largest American manufacturing location.
Today, Hershey employs more than 1,000 persons inside this facility and the vice-president of the company was proud to be able to announce that it would continue to grow its collaboration with the region.
There is no doubt that this investment is a sign that business is back in Augusta County and will go back to growing again. Now, all companies need to do is to listen to their new clients’ needs.
Story by Rick Davies