There are many reasons teenagers look for jobs. Maybe they want to save their money for a car, are tired of asking their parents for money, or just want some extra pocket cash.
It is often difficult for teens to get a job because they generally lack experience, especially when applying for their first job. It might help to start with a part-time job to get some experience before you try getting a full-time job.
Most teenagers work for minimum wage in retail, fast food restaurants, and other jobs that don’t require much experience.
Your Resume
Writing a resume for a teenager is challenging. What can you put on your resume when you are applying for your first job? You can list your school activities, volunteer experience, and related coursework.
Many part-time jobs don’t require a resume;they only ask that you fill out an application. But you should still write a resume just in case you want a job that does ask for one. It is also a good experience for your future when you will need to provide a resume.
Another suggestion for teenagers is to write a cover letter to help you stand out from all the others applying for the same job. Not sure how to write a cover letter?
Start by explaining clearly and concisely why you think you are a good fit for the job. If you want to be a camp counselor during the summer, write about your babysitting experience. If you are looking for a retail job, explain in your cover letter why you like to work with and help people.
It’s all about who you know. Talk to your parents and ask them to see if any of their friends are looking to hire anyone.
Maybe their friends don’t own a business, but they might have a friend who does. You never know.
Let your teachers know you are looking for a job. They might know someone who is hiring. And you will have the added benefit of being recommended by someone who knows you well. This can go a long way.
How about your extended family? Your aunts and uncles? You never know who knows who and it can’t hurt to ask.
Teen employment rates are highest during the summer months so you might want to try getting your first job during the summer.
Getting a job at a summer camp is a good option. How about an amusement park? You can either apply for these types of jobs in person or go through an online application process.
Try a Temporary Agency
There are agencies that specialize in providing short-term workers for companies who need to fill a position for a limited period of time.
Some of these companies might be interested in hiring teenagers, especially for office or mailroom work.
Be Prepared
If you really want to get a specific job, it would be very helpful to do your research and learn what you can about the company.
Hiring managers will be more impressed with applicants who have shown their interest by knowing something about their company.
Get the Experience
You have to be realistic and understand that your first job is not going to be your last job. It also might not be exactly what you want to do.
But you need to consider the experience you will be getting. You will meet people who might be able to help you in your future.
The experience you get will also give you something to put on your resume for your next job. Even if the job is not exciting, remember you are learning and helping to set yourself up for your future.
Pound the Pavement
Go to your local mall and check to see if any of the stores have “help wanted” signs out. Not all retail jobs advertise. They use foot traffic to recruit for open positions.
Be sure to wear appropriate clothing because you never know when there might be a hiring manager in the store who will grant you an interview on the spot.
Make sure to smile and maintain good eye contact. You want to show that you are friendly and confident and someone who will be a good employee.