The City of Harrisonburg will partner with the Virginia Department of Health this week to provide up to 500 COVID-19 tests at two different locations.
Tests will take place Thursday, May 28, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the parking lot of Faith Community Church, 1660 S. Main St., and EMU Commons, 1307 Park Road. Each location will administer up to 250 tests, available first-come, first-served.
Additionally, Rockingham County will offer testing on Wednesday, May 27, from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. at SRI International, 140 Research Drive, Harrisonburg. This will be drive-thru testing and you will not need to get out of your vehicle.
Up to 300 tests will be administered there, and testing is open to Harrisonburg residents.
Thursday’s testing events are an effort by City officials to bring more COVID-19 resources to residents and gain a better understanding of how COVID-19 is impacting our area. There is no cost to be tested, and all sites will be open to anyone wishing to be tested. You do not have to present identification to be tested, though those administering the test will gather contact information in order to alert you to your test results in the following days. Only the Wednesday testing site will be a drive-through effort.
Any individual coming to be tested should wear a mask, if possible, and adhere to all social distancing recommendations.
Spanish and Swahili interpreters will be available at EMU Commons; and Spanish, Arabic and Kurdish interpreters will be available at Faith Community Church.