You have already decided that shared web hosting is the best option for your website. However, you need to be warned that choosing a shared web hosting should be done carefully. We give you five common mistakes inexperienced and new bloggers tend to make in the process.
Making your choice based on the (cheapest) price
Perhaps you’re planning to run your website on a very tight budget. But this doesn’t mean that you need to choose the cheapest shared web hosting. Your choice shouldn’t be based entirely on the price, as there are many other crucial factors to look out for.
What shared hosting features should you take into account to make an intelligent choice in the process of creating your blog or website?
Obviously, price is not one of them, as it can be used to manipulate potential customers’ opinions. Higher prices can seem promising. But they also can be a matter of a marketing strategy, as they make any service look more trust-worthy. On the other hand, lower prices could mean that the hosting provider is trying to attract more customers, or is willing to offer discounts for first-time users.
Note that more prices of any web hosting are available only if you purchase the plan for a whole year in advance. To be sure you are not making any mistakes based entirely on the price, make a list of the features of shared web hosting that you are mostly interested in. And make sure to inspect the pros and cons of shared web hosting.
You fall for the free shared web hosting plans
Free web hosting may sound ideal to the brand new blogger that wants to be as budget-friendly as possible. However, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and this also goes to free shared web hosting.
If you are tricked by the loud and luring promises that many shared web hosting providers promise with their free plans, be prepared for some serious issues, such as the service being unavailable and suffering sluggish performance quite often. Many free services are supported by ads, and this can also be valid for free shared hosting. With this choice, you also deprive yourself of good search engine ranking.
These issues could affect your website in a negative way, so choosing a paid shared web hosting is the best option.
Being tricked by the unlimited promises
These promises are more often a marketing trick than not. Keep in mind that a shared web hosting provider has a specific capacity. In most cases, the provider doesn’t live up to the expectations of the customer. This could lead to poor and sluggish website performance, uptime issues, and bad load speed. These negative factors will affect your traffic and reputation, and will chase away your visitors.
To avoid any of these issues, make sure to investigate the shared web hosting provider’s specifications. Paying attention to all details will help you determine whether the configurations of the provider fit your needs.
Not checking the reviews of other users
With shared web hosting, opinions do matter. Take your time to explore the available online reviews. What do others say about the performance of the said shared web hosting company? Do they complain about the support and overall customer service? Have they encountered any security issues? These are crucial questions, and answers could be found in the opinions of present or previous customers.
Not testing the customer support
The shared web hosting provider could be promising excellent customer support. But is this claim true? The only way to make sure is to check it, especially if you have already found negative reviews about it. Get in touch with the provider’s support team and ask your questions. If they respond in a timely manner, good. If not – then this could be an indicator of future support issues.