Win Virginia will invest over $100,000 in digital ads supporting Democratic candidates for the House of Delegates in the final three weeks of the campaign.
Democratic candidates are running against more than 50 long-entrenched members of the House of Delegates on an agenda for a Better Virginia that rejects Trump-backed special interest policies and focuses on programs key to all Virginians: Better Jobs, Better Healthcare, Better Schools.
“Virginians want better jobs and schools, and are sick of Delegates that talk nice at home, but vote mean in Richmond; they claim to be moderates but vote every year to weaken our schools, our communities, and our rights,” said Tom Perriello, CEO of Win Virginia. “Many of these Republicans have never had to answer for their extreme record, like votes that have blocked Medicaid expansion and increased premiums for middle class families.”
Democrats are running in 88 of 100 seats in the House of Delegates this year, a modern record. Running on a platform of expanding Medicaid, a debt-free path to community college, and investing in education, Democrats are competing in every corner of the Commonwealth so the Northam Administration has a governing partner in the House. Over half of the Democratic challengers are women, nearly a dozen are millennials, a quarter are people of color, and five are from the LGBTQ community.
“Voters have a choice between Democratic challengers who put Virginians first and Republican representatives who put themselves and special interests first,” stated Dr. Shashi Gupta, Chairman of Win Virginia. “We have an astoundingly talented class of Virginians who have been called to politics for the first time. This combined effort will ensure our neighbors across the Commonwealth know they have a choice to vote for those who will fight for A Better Virginia.”
So far this year, Win Virginia has donated directly or raised over $400,000 for Democratic Delegate candidates and associated PACs across the Commonwealth, while investing an unprecedented amount in technology to allow all Democratic challengers to reach voters in new ways. These efforts will pay dividends not only in Delegate and statewide races, but also catalogue lessons learned and best practices for future election cycles in Virginia and beyond.