When you are running a business, whether you are a supervisor or the actual owner, there is a tremendous amount of moving pieces that you have to juggle every day. The floor mats that occupy your doorways may not be the first thing that you think about when you come to work in the morning.
But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t valid reasons why floor mats should be taken into consideration. If you still need some convincing, let’s delve into five reasons why your business will be better off by purchasing custom entrance mats.
Share Your Message
Regardless of what product or service your organization has to offer, there is clearly a message that you need to communicate with potential customers and clients. By using custom floor mats for your company entryways, you can imbed your business slogan right in front of every visitor that approaches your doors, on a daily basis.
Think about all the people that have no idea what your company does and are in the area to go shopping or meet with people nearby to your location. With the right custom entrance mat, you may be able to attract them enough to actually walk right in and see what you have to offer.
If you could sum up your business for a complete stranger without having to physically stand outside in the frigid cold or the sweltering heat, what should you like this silent spokesperson in the form of your floor mat say about your services?
Increase sales
What business owner wouldn’t want an opportunity to get their sales to jump up? You already have your regular customers that are familiar with what you offer and are more than happy to do business with you on a regular basis. But in order to get those profit margins to get even bigger, you are going to need to gain exposure with more customers.
Let your custom entrance mat help you grab greater name recognition to expand your business’ sales results. The beauty of this marketing tool is that it is extremely less expensive than other traditional efforts.
Be sure that when you are designing your custom entrance mat that it has the ability to stand out among the other colors and surfaces that it will be surrounded by. You want it to be seen by as many eyes as possible.
Own Instead of Rent
Like many business expenses, some owners are quick to assume that it is more affordable to rent items than having to kick in the full upfront financial commitment to own them. But when it comes to entrance mats, renting some generic floor mats just to accomplish the singular goal of improved safety will become a waste in the long run.
For one, why would you want to continually pay for floor mats that aren’t yours and don’t even have your company name or logo on them, to begin with? Make the proper investment and avoid adding another continual bill that you will have to keep paying.
Keep Your Floors Clean
When you choose custom entry mats, you are being a responsible business owner that cares about the public perception of your business. If your business isn’t clean is an incredibly unpleasant place to look at, you are setting yourself up for instant negative impressions. With the relevance of social media, pictures of a filthy place of business can travel all over town before you even get home that day.
Place your custom entrance mats at each entryway for your organization. Let them assist you in keeping your floors and carpets free of debris and water. Nobody wants to work in a disgusting environment, and shoppers will want to leave immediately.
Combat messy floors with a super Berber mat that can not only be customized with your company logo but has the strength to protect your floors from a multitude of elements that it will inevitably come into contact with.
Berber custom logo mats are excellent choices for heavy traffic social areas like hospitals, schools, universities, apartment buildings, hotels, churches, and law offices. Berber mats with custom logos feature heavy 54-ounce all weather solution-dyed polypropylene fabric. They are stain-resistant and ready and willing to handle the harness of the outdoors.
Safety First
Don’t forget about safety. When employees slip and get hurt on the job, you lose valuable members of your labor staff. If customers get hurt, they have never shopped at your business ever again.
Custom floor mats do their job to reduce the risk that a customer or employee will be seriously injured because they fell on your floor. Risk reduction can save you an incredible amount of money and reduce the injury liabilities that your business could be opened up to if you refuse to use them.
Now is the time to identify your style and design element and get custom entrance mats to put in use right away.
Story by Jacob Maslow