Remember ol’ Jim Webb, Jim Gilmore, Eric Cantor, Ken Cuccinelli? Of course you do; you once voted them into public office.
Seriously, Virginia, you did.
OK, so now Webb and Gilmore are political bad jokes after having run quixotic campaigns for president. Cantor is now a verb that Republicans use to describe falling from great heights in losing a primary to a nobody professor.
The Cooch is … The Cooch. ‘Nuff said there.
Public Policy Polling had some fun with our forgotten pols from yesteryear, or, OK, it wasn’t that long ago for these guys, but whatever.
PPP tested Webb against Gilmore for lieutenant governor in 2017, surmising that a run for the worthless part-time job was probably a better bet for two never- would-be presidential contenders.
Good news for Webb, maybe: he’d lead Gilmore 40 percent to 30 percent. Though that could also be good news for Gilmore, since the 30 percent here would be roughly 30 percent more support than he got in any of the primaries and caucuses he contested in the 2016 Republican presidential race.
No good news for Cantor and Cuccinelli: Cantor has a net favorability rating of -24 (13 percent like him, 37 percent don’t), and Cuccinelli is at -9 (26 percent good, 35 percent bad).
Doubtful that either care, with the fistfuls of money they’re making in the private sector, trading off their public service.