A public hearing has been set for a potential zoning amendment related to property off Hopeman Parkway in Waynesboro for a planned unit development, or PUD.
The property is located north of Village Apartments at Hopeman Parkway and east of Duke Road and includes a protected stream that flows eastward to the South River.
Residents have expressed concerns previously to the Waynesboro Planning Commission over the development of the property, previously home to the Augusta County District Home, due to potential noise, traffic and conservation.
Waynesboro City Council members will have their turn to hear from the public on Monday, Aug. 26, at 7 p.m. at the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building on West Main Street.
The zoning map amendment request has been made by Stockbridge OPCO LLC, the agent for the Sheri L. Smith Revocable Trust. Discussions began between the developer and city last year.
The request is to rezone the 147-acre property from single-family residential large lots to a planned unit development. The PUD would be managed by an HOA, also known as a homeowners association.
The developer, in plans shared with the Planning Commission, has plans for up to 400 residential units with community amenities including 60 acres of public park land and three-quarters of a mile of greenway. The plan is to develop the property in four phases with a mix of detached houses, attached houses, duplex houses, townhouses and manufactured homes.
The acreage was intended to be used for passive recreation and conservation land.
However, the city planner, Alisande Tombarge, previously told the Planning Commission that there were concerns about the maintenance of the property and the potential liability of the old district home building that remains on the land.
“Staff does believe that this park would be a significant benefit to this area of the city,” Tombarge told the Planning Commission in April. “You’ve got several new and planned subdivisions coming in, being built, recently completed. They’ll have sidewalk networks that will be connected, and this would be the only park within reasonable walking distance for these residents.”
“This will be a big step in addressing the area-wide housing unit shortage,” she added.
For more information or to share concerns, call (540) 942-6604 or [email protected]
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