The Augusta County Community Development department’s Verona Pedestrian Improvement Project is moving from design planning and toward the next work phase, right-of-way acquisition.
Public input from the November citizen information meeting was in support of the design plans and the project is at the stage where a public hearing is available.
Though changes since the meeting have been minor and thus a public hearing is not required, the county is willing to hold a public hearing if any concerns about the project cannot be satisfied.
The project will provide ADA compliant sidewalks along Route 612 (Laurel Hill Road) and Route 11 (Lee Highway). The segment along Route 612 will connect the existing sidewalk west of the Shenandoah Valley Railroad to the park and ride located on Route 1906 (Lodge Lane).
The segment along Route 11 will run from the City of Staunton to the existing sidewalk at Route 940 (Dick Huff Lane) and will connect to the Augusta County Government Center.
More details about the project and the plans can be seen on the ‘Current Projects’ page of the website.
Additional questions or concerns can be addressed by calling (540) 245-5700 or emailing [email protected].