Staff Report
The Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing concerning improvements to Route 640 (Goose Creek Road) in the Fishersville region of Augusta County.
The meeting will take place from 4 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, December 16 at the Preston L. Yancy Volunteer Fire Department located at 2015 Jefferson Highway, Fishersville, Va. 22939.
Citizens can come in during the meeting hours and discuss the project on a one-on-one basis with VDOT officials and designers. Written comments can be submitted at the meeting or within 10 days after the meeting date to Mr. Timothy Fitzgerald, Acting Residency Administrator, Virginia Department of Transportation, 184 Laurel Hill Road, Verona, VA 24482-0940. Oral comments can be recorded at the meeting with the assistance of a court reporter.
This project will realign the existing intersection of south Route 640 and Route 250 to line up with the north Route 640 intersection at Route 250 and form a single-point intersection. A cul-de-sac will be constructed at the end of existing south Route 640.
This location is in Augusta County one-half mile west of the City of Waynesboro. Route 640 is a 2.43-mile long rural collector road connecting Route 250 and Route 285. The current roadway consists of two nine-foot travel lanes with three-foot shoulders and two-foot ditches. The existing Route 640 and Route 250 intersection consists of a 0.1 mile dogleg separation, which makes vehicle turning movements difficult.
The hill leading up to the realigned intersection will be lowered and will improve driver visibility in the area. A new five-foot wide sidewalk with curb and gutter will be constructed on both sides of the new roadway.
The existing traffic count is 3300 vehicles per day. This figure is anticipated to increase to 4990 vehicles per day in the year 2025.
The total estimated cost for this project is $2,817,262, which includes $312,927 for preliminary engineering, $750,750 for right of way and $1,753,585 for construction.
Consideration for design approval is in early 2010 with right of way activities beginning in spring of 2010. Advertisement for construction is spring of 2011.