Prior to the May 2020 election, the City of Staunton Registrar’s Office was notified that the existing Ward 2 polling location at Christ United Methodist Church would not be able to be used for the May and June elections.
The city approved an emergency polling location change and the electoral board voted on a resolution that combined the Ward 2 polling location with the Ward 3 polling location at Gypsy Hill Park Gym. In the May and June election, voters who normally voted at the Ward 2 location voted at the Ward 3 location.
The electoral board recently voted to extend the resolution combining the Ward 2 and Ward 3 polling locations at Gypsy Hill Park Gym through the Nov. 3 election.
As required by law, the Registrar’s Office is conducting the following outreach to make sure that voters are aware of their accurate polling location:
- The voters in Ward 2 (Christ United Methodist Church) will be notified individually by letter that their location is temporarily changed from Christ United Methodist Church to the Gypsy Hill Park Gym at 229 116th Regimental Road
- Public legal notice in the paper
- Notification to the party chairs and the officers of election
- Signs posted at Christ United Methodist Church on election day directing voters to the Gypsy Hill Park Gym
Anyone with questions should contact 540.332.3840. Full details on elections and voting information can be found at
Please note these important dates:
- Sept. 18 – Early Voting starts
- Oct. 13 – Deadline to register to vote or update an existing registration
- In-person 5pm
- Online 11:59pm
- Oct. 23 – Last day to submit an application to vote by mail either online, fax or mail by 5pm
- Oct. 31 (Saturday) – Last day to vote early in-person by 5pm
- Nov. 3 – Election Day