Home Project GROWS receives first six-figure donation

Project GROWS receives first six-figure donation


Project GROWSProject GROWS says farewell to Executive Director Tom Brenneman, and celebrates its first-ever six-figure cash pledge.

Brenneman, who began at GROWS in January 2020, shepherded the organization through COVID-19 and a year of global challenges. Under his tenure, the organization benefited from significant growth, new foundation and donor relationships, and a staff reorganization during difficult circumstances.

“The board and staff want to thank Tom for his work as our Executive Director, and we wish him well on his next steps. GROWS is grateful for the contributions he has made during a challenging year,” says Ann Snyder, co-chair of the Board of Trustees.

After Brenneman’s resignation, David Geiman, co-chair of the board and principal donor, committed to a $100,000 pledge for calendar year 2022, the largest single gift in the history of the organization.

“I want to ensure the continued growth of the organization and set the leadership team up for success,” saidGeiman. “The Board and I are exceedingly proud of the work GROWS has been doing and will continue to do, both under Tom Brenneman and the next executive director.”

The $100,000 pledge will be used as a matching campaign to galvanize fundraising efforts and attract new donors throughout the region.

“Our contribution to the community is vital,” saidGeiman, “both in terms of food access and education. We as a board are confident in our team and in our vision for improving the health and nutrition of youth and families in our area. We look forward to inviting more donors into the conversation and to working with key partners to accomplish our goals.”

Project GROWS will seek a new executive director with a particular emphasis on fundraising and strategic growth.

Project GROWS is an educational farm with a mission to improve the health of children and youth in Staunton, Waynesboro and Augusta County.

Learn more at www.projectgrows.org.



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