By now, most of you have been made aware of an article in the Rolling Stone titled, “A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA.” The article tells the story of a current student and her horrendous experiences at a fraternity party.
We are, as are all alumni, extremely concerned and distressed about the information presented in this article. The behavior described in this article is abhorrent and not to be tolerated anywhere, and particularly not on the Grounds.
We have heard from many of you through direct email, posts, phone calls and tweets. You have expressed shock, anger, extreme disappointment and disbelief. While the article was sickening to read, it has highlighted this issue and has ignited a critical and much-needed conversation about the dangerous behavior occurring here and elsewhere in the country.
President Sullivan has asked the Charlottesville Police to fully investigate the allegations in the article. Last night, the Rector of the Board of Visitors George Martin, issued a statement announcing that the University, in coordination with Virginia’s Attorney General, will appoint an independent counsel to review all aspects of the University’s policies with regard to sexual misconduct. Both the President’s and the Rector’s statements can be found here, along with other related information.
The Alumni Association would like to provide you a means to express your concerns, thoughts and recommendations. We have set up an online portal for you to communicate with the University. We will take your comments and ensure that they are delivered to the right people here at the University. You may register your comments here. You may also participate in an online conversation using the Alumni Forum.
We realize that this is a difficult and painful subject, but we also know that through your ideas and debate, a stronger University will emerge.
Tom Faulders, College ’71
President & CEO
University of Virginia Alumni Association