A Literary Salon with Dr. Andrew D. Kaufman
“Descending from the Tower: From Academic to Popular Writing”
Join WriterHouse on Sunday, December 7, at 2 p.m., when UVA religious studies professor Dr. Kristin Swenson will interview Dr. Andrew D. Kaufman, a renowned Russian literature scholar, about how he turned his lifelong passion for Tolstoy into his recent work of creative nonfiction, Give War and Peace a Chance: Tolstoyan Wisdom for Troubled Times (Simon & Schuster, 2014). Kaufman will talk about how he made the transition from academic to trade publishing, the relationship between his life as a literary scholar and his life as a writer, and what he learned from Tolstoy about writing prose.
Free and open to the public. WriterHouse, 508 Dale Avenue, Charlottesville, VA (behind the Preston Avenue Bodo’s),www.writerhouse.org, 434-296-1922, events@