I value community safety and cutting through red tape. I will be voting for Scott Taylor on Tuesday.
In 2017, then-Congressman Scott Taylor met with Ashanti Billie’s family after she tragically was abducted from JEB Little Creek. It was later found that the 19-year old woman had been killed. While Ashanti cannot be brought back, lessons learned from her case and her family’s experience can educate effective changes to be made to our infrastructure in the hope of preventing tragedies like this from happening again. Taylor proposed the Ashanti Alert Act – because Ashanti herself at 19 years old was too old for an Amber Alert and too young for a Silver Alert – to fill the operational void. This Alert will work like others to notify the public about missing and endangered adults to assist law enforcement in the search. The Ashanti Alert Act was signed into law by President Trump in December 2018. What’s the status now? It is held up by bureaucracy – under Taylor’s watch, this red tape would be cut through quickly. Taylor’s record exemplifies his commitment to results – and this Act is especially dear to his heart. The Ashanti Alert Act will save lives in Ashanti’s honor…we just need to elect an advocate to ensure it is enacted in place of the current politicians who sit inactively. Taylor is that advocate, and that’s why I’m voting for him on Tuesday, June 23rd.
Letter from Chas Funk, Virginia Beach