Home Kids Avenue features Barbara Lawson
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Kids Avenue features Barbara Lawson


Edited by Chris Graham
[email protected]

Barbara Lawson will be the featured entertainer at the June Kids Avenue in Downtown Waynesboro on Friday at 7:15 p.m. at the Waynesboro Heritage Museum.

Lawson’s special combination of songs, stories and humor will bring rings of the laughter from the children and their families on the Third Friday of the month.

Kids Avenue events open at 5 p.m. with Yoga for Kids at Natural Beauty Studio at 414 W. Main St.

At 5:45 p.m., Kathy May will read from her book Molasses Man. The story describing how a farm family works together to make sorghum molasses in an all-day process that includes harvesting the cane, cutting and milling it, and then slow-cooking the green juice until it is a rich, dark syrup. May wrote this story to help preserve and celebrate a traditional rural foodway that is fading into the past. She will be available to sign copies of her book.

At 6:30 p.m., storyteller Bonnie Webber will engage her audience with a new set of tales. Webber is a member of the Shenandoah Storytellers Guild.

Ongoing activities will be available at various locations on Wayne Avenue. Short and Sweet Bakery at 133 N. Wayne Ave. will host a mask making workshop. Chefy’s Choice Family Grill at 135 N. Wayne Ave. will provide ice cream and the trimming for its “Make Your Own Sundae” extravaganza as well as a drawing for a free caricature. And the Shenandoah Valley Art Center will provide chalk for young artists to decorate the sidewalk.



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