It’s time to register for Staunton Guided Tours’ You Are There, a living history day at the battlefields of Cross Keys and Port Republic on June 9.
Civil War writer Terry Shulman leads the afternoon-evening tour, starting from Staunton Visitors Center at 1 p.m. Participants will experience living history programs and a guided car caravan tour of Port Republic, plus evening events at the famous Widow Pence Farm on the Cross Keys battlefield – a barbecue supper, authentic period music, and talks by Robert Krick, a national leader in preservation of Civil War battlefields, and keynoter Dr. James I. Robertson Jr., one of the country’s most distinguished Civil War historians.
Places are limited to twelve and SGT’s May battlefield tour was full, so reservations are essential and advance deposits are required.
June tour information and reviews of May tour at, or call 540-885-2430.