It was another “grand gesture” on the part of Grand Home Furnishings.
“This is just our way to give back to our community locally and thank everybody for 100 years of support of Grand Home Furnishings,” said Colleen Price, the manager of the Waynesboro Grand Home Furnishings retail store, at the Waynesboro Senior Center, to which Grand had just delivered donated Snuggies, nutritional drinks, adult diapers and three rocking chairs.
Grand also brought along Santa Claus to pass out gifts to members of the Senior Center.
“Christmas is all about giving back and giving to other people. This is a great way for us to end our year and tell people thank you,” Price said. “The Snuggies will keep people warm. The rockers I’m sure will be put to good use. And we donated some time last week to wrapping gifts.
“What we really wanted to do is just give back, and we’re particularly happy to be able to give back to our seniors here locally, because these seniors are among our first customers at Grand,” Price said.
Senior Center director Janice Gentry expressed thanks on the part of the Center and its members.
“There’s no way on a nonprofit’s budget that we’d be able to afford such nice furnishings,” Gentry said. “It’s wonderful to have that donation. And I know that our homebound clients who receive those Snuggies that were donated will relish having them for the wintertime coming up.
“It’s so generous of them to do that, along with bringing Santa, and Santa taking pictures with all of our members and all of our guests here today as well. It’s just been a fabulous day,” Gentry said.