Statement from Bob Good:
Liberty University has been a major part of my life since my family moved to Lynchburg in 1974 when I was 9 years old, and that went to another level when I enrolled as a freshman student in 1983. I met my wife at Liberty and the University had a tremendous impact upon both of us. We have been privileged to invest in the school in various ways since we graduated in 1988. We have been donors to the University for over 20 years, two of our children have graduated from Liberty, and our third child is a current student. I am so grateful for the incredible privilege I had to serve as an employee at the University for 14 years, and I could not believe more strongly in its mission and unique ability to Train Champions for Christ.
Because of my love for my alma mater and its mission, I have been deeply troubled by the behavior of the President, and I am thankful that the Board of Trustees appears to be taking courageous steps that are in the best interest of the University. I ask all of Flames Nation to join me in praying for those who will be making the very important decisions in the days and weeks ahead that will affect Liberty’s reputation in the Christian community and its future impact on the world for Christ.
Bob Good is the Republican nominee in the Fifth District. More online at