Home ERSC Super Stars/Sponsor a Community Senior Fundraiser
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ERSC Super Stars/Sponsor a Community Senior Fundraiser


ersc superstarsEast Rockingham Senior Center, operated by Valley Program for Aging Services, Inc., is conducting two fundraising campaigns: “Super Stars” and “Sponsor a Community Senior” in Elkton and the surrounding communities.

“Super Stars” symbolize that local seniors are truly “Super Stars” and valued members of our community. “Super Stars” are available for a $1.00 donation at Elkton Convenience Store, Valley’s Exxon (U.S. 33 near the entrance to Massanutten location), and at East Rockingham Senior Center (located in the Elkton Community Center). “Super Stars” will be posted at the location where they are purchased.

“Sponsor a Community Senior” provides individuals, businesses, civic clubs, and/or faith organizations the opportunity to sponsor a hot, nutritious meal for a homebound older adult through Meals on Wheels. Sponsorships are available for $4.55 for one meal or $22.75 for five meals.

Currently, approximately 125 meals are delivered Monday through Friday from East Rockingham Senior Center to seniors living in Elkton, McGaheysville, Grottoes and the surrounding community. Persons receiving home delivered meals are unable to provide adequate nutrition for themselves and have no one to help them on a regular basis. Our delivery drivers not only deliver the meal but also provide a check-in to ensure the recipient is safe.

For more information on Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) or East Rockingham Senior Center, contact Lisa Gooden, Center Director, at 540-383-7006 or visit www.eastrockinghamseniorcenter.org.  Contributions to either project can be mailed to: ERSC, 20593 Blue and Gold Drive, Elkton, VA 22827.



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